JO Woodworks make and ship boat and canoe kits for Storer Boat Plans in the USA. From precut plywood to the works. We specialise in Sailboats, sailing canoes, paddling canoes and electric canoes.
We use quality materials and ship to the Lower 48 states and far beyond.
Our boat kits can be any level you request, precut Plywood Panels, plus timber, plus sails.

For any boats listed below but without links use

Boat and Canoe Kits for Michael Storer Boat Plans

Eureka Paddling Canoe Kit – Classic 16ft wooden Paddling Canoe

Kombi Sail and Paddle Sailing Canoe Kit – A canoe that paddles and has excellent sailing performance. Good as a two person touring canoe or a one person performance sailing canoe.

Oz Goose Sail Boat Kit – A stable, simple and affordable sailboat with excellent performance

Kits – In house PDRacer adaptations by J.O Woodworks

JO Woodworks have been building boats and boat parts for 25 years and building quality furniture for 40.
John Owens
What is in our Boat and Canoe Kits
Our kits have all the plywood pieces cut out to shape.
There are several options:
- Complete boat or canoe kits with plywood components cut to shape, all timber, fiberglass, epoxy, sails and more.
- Foil kits preshaped for the centreboard or leeboard and rudder blades
- Plywood components only kits
- Plywood components precut plus all timber
- Sails
To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options
Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293
Facebook Messenger: Facebook Message
Our goal is for you to only make simple cuts that can be done with an inexpensive handsaw.

The only exception to this is that occasionally there is one that has to be cut to fit a special location that just can’t be done ahead of time. These pieces are cut oversized so they can be trimmed and fit accurately.
We include all the timbers you need to build the boat including any temporary items. Such as spreaders to push the sides of the boat apart while building if required in the plans.
Some of the timbers are cut to length but most are left long for you to cut to an exact fit.
Why Start with a Boat Kit?

You might ask yourself. Why should I spend the extra money to buy a kit when I can go down to the local lumber yard and get everything I need?
That is a good question so here’s my answer.
The simple answer is,
IT GETS YOU ON THE WATER FASTER.But three good additional reasons below.
1/ Building a boat from scratch is very rewarding and just plan fun! There are many out there, however, that have never done any serious woodworking so want a head start so the building goes quickly.
2/ Building a boat is a great family project. A well thought through boat kit will eliminate all the tedious layout work that makes most children bored and lose interest.
3/ We have already spent the time to tweak the shapes so they fit together properly. The boats will go together easily and before long you will be painting or varnishing and getting out on the water to use it.
Joining Timber – precut joints and a simple jig to glue up straight.
If pieces need to be scarfed together due to the length we have taken care of that cut too. A jig for gluing up the scarf joint will also be included in the kit.
Labelling all the Boat Kit Components
All pieces have labels on them so you know what they are. We also include the dimensions on many of the labels just in case a label happens to separate from the wood during shipping.
Epoxy and Fiberglass
We supply Epoxy and Fiberglass for the comprehensive kit. We can also supply to any level that you want. With or without these items.
Ropes, Fittings and Sails
We can supply these items at reasonable prices as well. Please be aware that while we endeavour to have sails available quickly, at some times of year there can be delays because of high demand.
Shipping Kits Throughout North America.
Our kits are created in a way that they can be shipped by UPS Ground to the lower 48 states. This saves money and time for you plus eliminates the problem often created by trying to get a large truck to a residence. Especially if you live in a rural area like I do.
We work with the boat designer for any modifications that this might require from their original plans.
We Supply Plans or you can buy from Duckworks
Plans for most of our boats can be purchased either with our kits or through Duckworks Boat Builders Supply.
We do include information for piece locations to ease your construction. As mentioned above, we will have fiberglass and epoxy kits for our boats that can be shipped to you or you can order specific items for yourself.
Duckworks is your best source for fiberglass and epoxy as well as various hardware items you may need for your new boat. Chuck and Sandra are very helpful folks and have built many boats themselves. So they know what you are accomplishing and will help in everyway they can.
Contact Details for JO Woodworks.
If you need more information, please contact me.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.