A Precut Boat Kit for the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe that handles like a lightweight thoroughbred sailing dinghy – designed by Michael Storer. While offering crisp sailing dinghy performance its light weight and canoe format allows easy transport and storage.
VIDEO – News! First JO Supplied Viola Kit is Sailing
Why is it good?
Stores and transports like a canoe (75lbs hull) but sails like a good dinghy.
Balance lug for on water reefing, or modern squaretop laminate sails
All plywood and timber parts cut to dimension. Including centreboard and rudder foils shaped.

To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options
Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
Facebook Messenger: Facebook Message

For more information on the Viola Sailing Canoe click this link to see Storer Boat plans webpage

What is in the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe Boat Kit?
Your Choice, starting from the precut plywood boat kit. Or, right through to supplying everything – sails, foils, glass, epoxy and fittings and printed plan.

All plywood components for the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe are precut to precise shapes. Tank faces and web frame tops are cut oversize to allow fitting on the boat as requirede by the plans.
For the Timber Pack any major components are cut to the final shape.
Long pieces may be precut with scarfs and a simple jig is provided for accurate gluing up – Photo right
We ship to the Lower 48 States and can distribute our kits to other regions in the Americas.

Boat Kit Prototype Built in our workshop.
We built a Viola Sailing Canoe prototype to check all component sizes, shapes and fits.

Three Rig Choices for the Viola Sailing Canoe Kit
If you have questions about the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe in General, the builders and sailors hang out on the Storer Boat Plans Facebook Page. Lots of useful information for considering a build or if you want
The Viola 14 Sailing Canoe comes with three rig options. Most will choose either the 6.3m Lug Rig which allows easy reefing for distance sailing and RAID events or the 5m Laminate sail.
Joost Engelen the first builder, has all three sails and finds the Lug Rig is best for the RAID events. But the 5m sail best for family picnics.
However, Speed Freaks will like the 6m laminate square top sail. Almost as much sail area as a Laser on a much narrower, but better behaved hull 🙂
Below 6.3m Lug, 5.0m squaretop, 6m squaretop.

How to Order a Viola 14 Sailing Canoe Kit
Please contact me by Email, Phone or Facebook Messenger to discuss your options.
We ship to the Lower 48 States and can distribute our kits to other regions in the Americas.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.