We produce an economical Oz Goose Kit. Precut plywood, timber, right through to everything you need to build an Oz Goose sailboat.
We ship all over North America.
We can also help you set up with group building templates for this easy to build sailing dinghy with excellent performance.

To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options
Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
Facebook Messenger: Facebook Message
There are boats building worldwide aimed at family and fun sailing.
Simple to build, fast and stable to sail for learners – teacher and two adult students below. Light and responsive for more advanced sailors.

We have a very active building and advice group on Facebook.
What is in the Precut Oz Goose Kit by JO Woodworks

The only components not normally included are the 2 sheets of ply for the bottom and foredeck. It costs so much extra for shipping that it is cheaper and simpler for most to buy two sheets locally for those rectangular components. We can supply if necessary if you are far away from supplies of plywood.
Full set of precut timber can be supplied or just the more complex pieces, Centreboard and rudder can be preshaped, We can also supply epoxy and glass, rigging kits and sails. However or as much as you need.
We ship to the lower 48 States.
Ok … it is an easy to build box, but it is not a slouch 🙂
This is a sequence from the National Championships in the Philippines. The Oz Goose is the most popular family sailing dinghy in the country.
Not surprising when a group build of 10 boats costs the same as importing a single Laser.
Sailing Oz Goose with Kids and learning sailors
Not only easy to build, but takes three adults with good performance. How many 12ft boats can do that! And how much time will you save with an Oz Goose kit!
And ideal as a teaching boat for family or sailing club. Note the speed, responsiveness and tiller loadings when heeled with two adults and three kids aboard.
An ideal School or Community Project.
The Oz Goose Kit has been built in group projects for the last 5 years.
If you are planning a school or community project we can supply the main templates to allow trimming rough cut components using a router for fantastic accuracy.

How to Order your Precut Oz Goose Kit for family or community
Please contact me for latest prices and shipping details.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.
When you get your Oz Goose Kit what happens?
This is part of a guide for the three day builds we do in the Philippines. Some process has been done before this starts below.
In particular, the framing is all attached to the edges of the panels by a work team before the three day class.
Everything is put together using drywall screws. Initially assembled without glue to make sure everything fits correctly. Then disassembled, glue applied and assembled again with the screws. There is no need for clamps in the building of this boat.
It is basically a visual checklist to make sure nothing goes wrong. Definitely need the plans. But it provides a good idea of process and how the hull goes together.