The Quick Canoe Kit is one of the easiest boats there is to build. Our kit consists of precut plywood panels and all the timber you will need to put the Quick Canoe together. We can also supply epoxy and fiberglass.
The quick canoe will carry two adults and equipment for a week away. 500lbs is fine.
It can build as fast as a couple of weekends or taking a bit more time, over a month for people with jobs and other commitments.
To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options
Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
Facebook Messenger: Facebook Message
One of the great things about the quick Canoe …
Is how many people ask “where did you get that Classic Timber Canoe”
It looks just right on the water despite being a simple shape.
Quick Canoe was Designed from the start to be Easy to build

The Quick Canoe Kit is one of the easiest boats there is to build. Our kit consists of precut plywood panels and all the timber you will need to put the Quick Canoe together. We can also supply epoxy and fiberglass.
All you need is glue, some epoxy, a little fiberglass tape, a few screws, and paint. We even include the wire ties to keep the bow and stern together while assembling.
The other ingredient is YOU, having a great time on the water in the canoe. You will need very few tools for this.
This Canoe Kit is Designed around minimal tools
A simple handsaw can be used for all cuts necessary although a jig saw is helpful. A cordless drill would be good but you could do it with a hand screwdriver if necessary.
Duct tape and a few spring clamps will help with assembly.
What are the Contents of the Kit?

All parts are labeled so you will know exactly what they are and the labels have dimensions on them just in case a label should come off. The plans also refer to the same parts and explain the joining method. There is a neat and simple jig to make sure timber pieces glue up straight when joined to length.
This is the perfect quick and easy family project. Everybody can help and the kids can tell their friends what they did!!

The long pieces of Timber are prescarfed – The center piece of each is scarfed on both ends and the other pieces on one end. We will include a piece of aluminum angle that will work as a clamping jig for the scarfs. Be sure and cover this with plastic tape to prevent the wood sticking to the aluminum. I recommend starting the gluing process early on so that all pieces will be glued by the time you need them for construction into the boat.
The skeg pieces will fit your boat perfectly prior to applying the keel. After it is all glued up you can cut it to any final shape you would like. A gentle curve works well.
There are five pieces for each seat. All except the framing pieces are cut to fit. The seat supports are ready for the installation of the framing. No intricate cuts are required.
Believe me. It doesn’t get any easier than this!!!
Kit for the Storer Quick Canoe Pricing and Options
BASIC KIT WITH MARINE GRADE MERANTI PLYWOOD – Including complete set of plans $595 plus shipping. This kit is also available as a plywood only kit so that you can source your timbers locally which will save some on shipping cost. Contact me for more info on this option.
Marine grade okoume/gaboon plywood – also available at additional cost – reduces weight by 20%.
Epoxy and fiberglass kit – available for the canoe. Contact us for more information on this
If you already have the plans for the Quick Canoe we can adjust the price. Contact us!
Contact me to discuss the details for your kit.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
Email: jowoodworks@yahoo.com
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.
You can read some discussion about the canoe building on Michael Storer’s site