The Texas Duck PDRacer kit makes the easiest boat in the world to build even easier. This boat kit contains precut plywood and can include any other items you want – shaped foils, timber cut to dimension, epoxy, fibreglass, as much or as little as you want shipped to your home or workshop.
The PDRacer has club members around the world. We have named our Puddle Duck the Texas Duck
This boat is absolutely class legal so you will have no problem getting a PDR registration number.

To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options
Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293
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Contents of the Texas Duck PDRacer Kit?
Basic PDracer kit is all the plywood components plus the mast step. The only plywood component missing in the standard kit is the single plywood sheet for the bottom. This is to reduce shipping and can be included if you want.

Then there are options for everything else, Epoxy and fibreglass (we recommend PL Premium if you don’t want to use epoxy), sail, Centreboard and rudder shaped. Even paint if you wish.

Michael Storer and I worked together to provide a kit version of the OzRacer RV that would fit the current PDRacer rules.
The RV is slightly easier to build, but our prefabricated mast step assembly eliminates this bit of extra complexity – so the boats are effectively equivalent in building difficulty.
In other words as simple as you can get – ideal as a first time building project. What will make this one even easier is that all the pieces are already cut out and all you do is glue or screw them together and go sailing.
Below is the assembly of the PDRacer Kit.

Sail options for the Texas Duck PDRacer

There are two main sail options. The leg of mutton mainsail with the sprit boom. And the slightly larger Balance Lug Sail.
The “TEXAS Sail” option i no longer available.
The advantage of the balance lug is that it can be reefed and dropped. With proper setup, this can be done on the water, but is easier to do on the beach or the edge of the water.
Official Supplier of Class Legal Puddle Duck Racer Kits.
Near sisterboats, also adapted to fit the PDRacer rules have won the PDRacer worlds twice with Rick Landreville the champion.
The Texas Duck PDracer kit is now available. Please feel free to contact me for purchase info and options.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.