The Drop in Outriggers can be fitted to many canoes and narrow dinghies for excellent performance as well as increasing the stability.
Some use the Drop In Outriggers for Diving so it is easier to get back aboard
Some even use one side only to make a tacking proa.

Awesome Sailing Videos of the Drop In Outriggers Fitted to a Canoe.
Daniel was one of the first to do a lot of sailing using the drop in outriggers and over the last 9 years has put up many videos. Here, he and his wife a zooming along in a regatta.
The Canoe and outriggers are sailing nicely. And then the wind gets stronger at the 2:00 minute mark. There are not many trimarans that will handle a person sitting in the bow. But the Eureka Canoe and other canoes can manage this trick.
Simple Building Method for outriggers
The hulls are a very simple boatbuilding project developed by Designer Michael Storer. Two pieces of plywood, a small amount of framing then add a deck. A good introductory project. Here are the hulls stitched together with cable ties, Before epoxying the join with fibreglass tape. Second photo is testing a dive boat capacity. Third is a school project in France.
There is also support from the Storer Boat Plans facebook group where several people have built the outriggers and used them for many different boats. You can click on this search to see many projects if you use facebook. There is also email support from John or Michael.

Drop in Sailing Outriggers are compact enough to fit inside many canoes for transport
A picture saves a thousand words

Rough Water Sailing for two Storer canoes Using outriggers in 2023s Rough Texas 200 Mile event.
In this year about 50% of the 75 boats that started the event did not finish due to various boat and gear failures as well as multiple injuries. Even though Michael did not design either Quick canoe as a sailboat, they both performed very well in this years difficult event.
Stan Roberts in the green and blue boat.

This does not mean anyone can do this type of sailing. Both Stan and Chuck are highly experienced adventure sailors. But the same combination of a canoe hull and outriggers can work well for many other sailors who want more speed and stability when sailing.
Chuck Pierce and I (Stan Roberts) just finished the Texas 200 in a fairly high wind year with the first three days having gusts between 25 to 32 mph and resulting high, heavy chop in the large bays we crossed during the event.
We were under third reef for the first three days and then for the last three could run second or first reef with more varied winds. We were under full sail only a few times.
Chuck was sailing a Storer Quick Canoe with Storer outriggers and using a RSS 76 sf expedition sail and I was in my Storer Electric Quick Canoe with Storer outriggers and an RSS Viola sail of 67 sf. RSS is Really Simple Sails set up by Michael Storer and Edna Caman.
Both boats handled the high winds and bay chop well, we were surfing most of the time across many miles of open bays and lagoons. The entire course is roughly 200 miles and six days. All supplies and gear are carried in each boat for the entire trip, including 8 gallons of water, roughly 120 lbs total plus skipper. The air temperatures were over 90 degrees with about 80% humidity each day and due to the fierce sun we covered every inch of body with protective clothing.
What is in the kit for the Drop In Outrigger Precut Kit?
Full set of precut plywood and timber can be supplied or just the more complex pieces.
The hulls panels and bulkheads are precut accurately, with the deck cut slightly oversize for trimming after gluing it down. The crossbeam components are pre scarfed to allow joining to full length to reduce Shipping costs.
We can also supply epoxy and glass, rigging kits and two sail options. A lateen or a balance lug. However much you need.
We ship to the lower 48 States.
How to Order your Precut Drop In Outrigger plywood and timber kit.
Please contact me for latest options and prices and shipping details.
John Owens
870 C.R.3812
Troup, Texas 75789
Phone: 903-894-6293
IM : Facebook Message
Why Build From One of Our Boat or Canoe Kits.